Results for 'Patricia Van Echtelt'

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  1.  22
    Post-Fordist Work: A Man's World?: Gender and Working Overtime in the Netherlands.Siegwart Lindenberg, Suzan Lewis, Arie Glebbeek & Patricia Van Echtelt - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (2):188-214.
    There is debate about whether the post-Fordist or high-performance work organization can overcome the disadvantages women encounter in traditional gendered organizations. Some authors argue that substituting a performance logic for control by the clock offers opportunities for combining work and family life in a more natural way. Critics respond that these organizational reforms do not address the nonresponsibility of firms for caring duties at a more fundamental level. The authors address this debate through an analysis of overtime work, using data (...)
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    Inclusion Practice in Lung Cancer Trials.Patricia Jaspers, Arie van der Arend & Rinus Wanders - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (6):649-660.
    This article presents the results of a qualitative study on the ethical aspects of inclusion practice for radiotherapy patients taking part in clinical research. The study focused on the standards and values of this process. Patients and physicians were interviewed about their views and experiences. Analysis of these interviews showed that candidate research participants need better protection from unwanted factors that could influence their choice about participation. Researchers need proper education about regulation, codes and directives in the field of research (...)
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    A new theoretical framework for explicit and implicit memory.Andrew R. Mayes, Patricia Gooding & Rob van Eijk - 1997 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 3.
    A framework to explain item-specific implicit and explicit memory is proposed. It explores the mutual implications of four kinds of processing mechanism that are familiar in the literature. The first kind of mechanisms are those related to memory representation which include the kind of storage processes that subserve the maintenance of different types of information in memory. It is argued that there is very little evidence to suggest that fact and event memory require the postulation of algorithmically distinct kinds of (...)
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  4. Word and Object.Willard Van Orman Quine, Patricia Smith Churchland & Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1960 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    Willard Van Orman Quine begins this influential work by declaring, "Language is asocial art.
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    How Intractability Spans the Cognitive and Evolutionary Levels of Explanation.Patricia Rich, Mark Blokpoel, Ronald de Haan & Iris van Rooij - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1382-1402.
    This paper focuses on the cognitive/computational and evolutionary levels. It describes three proposals to make cognition computationally tractable, namely: Resource Rationality, the Adaptive Toolbox and Massive Modularity. While each of these proposals appeals to evolutionary considerations to dissolve the intractability of cognition, Rich, Blokpoel, de Haan, and van Rooij argue that, in each case, the intractability challenge is not resolved, but just relocated to the level of evolution.
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    Reclaiming AI as a Theoretical Tool for Cognitive Science.Iris van Rooij, Olivia Guest, Federico Adolfi, Ronald de Haan, Antonina Kolokolova & Patricia Rich - 2024 - Computational Brain and Behavior 7:616–636.
    The idea that human cognition is, or can be understood as, a form of computation is a useful conceptual tool for cognitive science. It was a foundational assumption during the birth of cognitive science as a multidisciplinary field, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as one of its contributing fields. One conception of AI in this context is as a provider of computational tools (frameworks, concepts, formalisms, models, proofs, simulations, etc.) that support theory building in cognitive science. The contemporary field of AI, (...)
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  7. Complex, poëtisch en queer: de filosofie van Sara Ahmed.Lieke van der Veer & Patricia de Vries - 2025 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 65 (1):4-5.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  8. Identifying sources of intractability in cognitive models: An illustration using analogical structure mapping.Iris van Rooij, Patricia Evans, Moritz Müller, Jason Gedge & Todd Wareham - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
  9.  34
    Naturalism, tractability and the adaptive toolbox.Iris van Rooij, Todd Wareham, Marieke Sweers, Maria Otworowska, Ronald de Haan, Mark Blokpoel & Patricia Rich - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5749-5784.
    Many compelling examples have recently been provided in which people can achieve impressive epistemic success, e.g. draw highly accurate inferences, by using simple heuristics and very little information. This is possible by taking advantage of the features of the environment. The examples suggest an easy and appealing naturalization of rationality: on the one hand, people clearly can apply simple heuristics, and on the other hand, they intuitively ought do so when this brings them high accuracy at little cost.. The ‘ought-can’ (...)
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    Medicine and space: body, surroundings, and borders in antiquity and the Middle Ages.Patricia Anne Baker, Han Nijdam & Karine van 'T. Land (eds.) - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    The papers in this volume question how perceptions of space influenced understandings of the body and its functions, illness and treatment, and the surrounding natural and built environments in relation to health in the classical and ...
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  11. Memory, development of.Patricia J. Bauer & Dana L. Van Abbema - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    CSR in Belgium: the institutional context and practices.Luc Van Liedekerke, Céline Louche, Patricia Everaert, Dirk Leroy, Ans Rossy & Marie D'Huart - unknown
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    Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system: expectations and experiences of users.Jasperien E. Van Doormaal, Peter G. M. Mol, Rianne J. Zaal, Patricia M. L. A. Van Den Bemt, Jos G. W. Kosterink, Karin M. Vermeulen & Flora M. Haaijer-Ruskamp - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (4):738-743.
  14. Dynamic Probabilistic Entailment. Improving on Adams' Dynamic Entailment Relation.Robert van Rooij & Patricia Mirabile - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31 (3):359-384.
    The inferences of contraposition (A ⇒ C ∴ ¬C ⇒ ¬A), the hypothetical syllogism (A ⇒ B, B ⇒ C ∴ A ⇒ C), and others are widely seen as unacceptable for counterfactual conditionals. Adams convincingly argued, however, that these inferences are unacceptable for indicative conditionals as well. He argued that an indicative conditional of form A ⇒ C has assertability conditions instead of truth conditions, and that their assertability ‘goes with’ the conditional probability p(C|A). To account for inferences, Adams (...)
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  15. Learning and teaching science as inquiry: A case study of elementary school teachers' investigations of light.Emily H. van Zee, David Hammer, Mary Bell, Patricia Roy & Jennifer Peter - 2005 - Science Education 89 (6):1007-1042.
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  16. Het dubieuze denken. Geschiedenis en vormen van wijsgerig scepticisme.Patricia De Martelaere, Ton Derksen, Tim Heysse, Dieter Lesage, Paul van Tongeren & Arjo Vanderjagt - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):363-364.
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    The Why and How of Enabling the Integration of Social and Ethical Aspects in Research and Development.Steven M. Flipse, Maarten Ca van der Sanden & Patricia Osseweijer - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):703-725.
    New and Emerging Science and Technology (NEST) based innovations, e.g. in the field of Life Sciences or Nanotechnology, frequently raise societal and political concerns. To address these concerns NEST researchers are expected to deploy socially responsible R&D practices. This requires researchers to integrate social and ethical aspects (SEAs) in their daily work. Many methods can facilitate such integration. Still, why and how researchers should and could use SEAs remains largely unclear. In this paper we aim to relate motivations for NEST (...)
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  18.  48
    Nurses' roles in informed consent in a hierarchical and communal context.Astrid P. Susilo, Jan Van Dalen, Albert Scherpbier, Sugiharto Tanto, Patricia Yuhanti & Nora Ekawati - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):0969733012468467.
    Although the main responsibility for informed consent of medical procedures rests with doctors, nurses’ roles are also important, especially as patient advocates. Nurses’ preparation for this role in settings with a hierarchical and communal culture has received little attention. We explored the views of hospital managers and nurses regarding the roles of nurses in informed consent and factors influencing these roles. We conducted a qualitative study in a private, multispecialty hospital in Indonesia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven managers. Two (...)
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    Setting Up Spaces for Collaboration in Industry Between Researchers from the Natural and Social Sciences.Steven M. Flipse, Maarten C. A. van der Sanden & Patricia Osseweijer - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):7-22.
    Policy makers call upon researchers from the natural and social sciences to collaborate for the responsible development and deployment of innovations. Collaborations are projected to enhance both the technical quality of innovations, and the extent to which relevant social and ethical considerations are integrated into their development. This could make these innovations more socially robust and responsible, particularly in new and emerging scientific and technological fields, such as synthetic biology and nanotechnology. Some researchers from both fields have embarked on collaborative (...)
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  20.  44
    Accuracy and quantity are poor measures of recall and recognition.Andrew R. Mayes, Rob van Eijk & Patricia L. Gooding - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):201-202.
    The value of accuracy and quantity as memory measures is assessed. It is argued that (1) accuracy does not measure correspondence (monitoring) because it ignores omissions and correct rejections, (2) quantity is confounded with monitoring in recall, and (3) in recognition, if targets and foils are unequal, both measures, even together, still ignore correct rejections.
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    Barriers to Implementing Patient-Centred Care: An Exploration of Guidance Provided by Ontario’s Health Regulatory Colleges.Glen E. Randall, Patricia A. Wakefield, Neil G. Barr & Lynda A. van Dreumel - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (1):62-72.
    The philosophy of patient-centred care has become widely embraced but its implementation is dependent on interrelated factors. A factor that has received limited attention is the role of policy tools. In Ontario, one method government can use to promote healthcare priorities is through health regulatory colleges, which set the standard of practice for health professionals. The degree to which government policy in support of patient-centered care has influenced the direction provided by health regulatory colleges to their members, and ultimately impacted (...)
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  22.  46
    Midstream Modulation in Biotechnology Industry: Redefining What is ‘Part of the Job’ of Researchers in Industry. [REVIEW]Steven M. Flipse, Maarten Ca van der Sanden & Patricia Osseweijer - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1141-1164.
    In response to an increasing amount of policy papers stressing the need for integrating social and ethical aspects in Research and Development (R&D) practices, science studies scholars have conducted integrative research and experiments with science and innovation actors. One widely employed integration method is Midstream Modulation (MM), in which an ‘embedded humanist’ interacts in regular meetings with researchers to engage them with the social and ethical aspects of their work. While the possibility of using MM to enhance critical reflection has (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Alan Mandell, van Cleve Morris, Patrick M. Socoski, Patricia Tefft Cousin, Rosa Cruz, Joseph L. Devitis, Jo Anne Pagano, P. Rudy Mattai & Mary Rivkin - 1991 - Educational Studies 22 (4):485-523.
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    Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning.Tomislav Pavlović, Flavio Azevedo, Koustav De, Julián C. Riaño-Moreno, Marina Maglić, Theofilos Gkinopoulos, Patricio Andreas Donnelly-Kehoe, César Payán-Gómez, Guanxiong Huang, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Michèle D. Birtel, Philipp Schönegger, Valerio Capraro, Hernando Santamaría-García, Meltem Yucel, Agustin Ibanez, Steve Rathje, Erik Wetter, Dragan Stanojević, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Eugenia Hesse, Christian T. Elbaek, Renata Franc, Zoran Pavlović, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Aleksandra Cichocka, Michele Gelfand, Mark Alfano, Robert M. Ross, Hallgeir Sjåstad, John B. Nezlek, Aleksandra Cislak, Patricia Lockwood, Koen Abts, Elena Agadullina, David M. Amodio, Matthew A. J. Apps, John Jamir Benzon Aruta, Sahba Besharati, Alexander Bor, Becky Choma, William Cunningham, Waqas Ejaz, Harry Farmer, Andrej Findor, Biljana Gjoneska, Estrella Gualda, Toan L. D. Huynh, Mostak Ahamed Imran, Jacob Israelashvili & Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko - forthcoming - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Nexus.
    At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 became a global problem. Despite all the efforts to emphasize the relevance of preventive measures, not everyone adhered to them. Thus, learning more about the characteristics determining attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic is crucial to improving future interventions. In this study, we applied machine learning on the multi-national data collected by the International Collaboration on the Social and Moral Psychology of COVID-19 (N = 51,404) to test the predictive efficacy of constructs from (...)
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  25.  28
    How Intractability Spans the Cognitive and Evolutionary Levels of Explanation.Patricia Rich, Mark Blokpoel, Ronald Haan & Iris Rooij - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1382-1402.
    This paper focuses on the cognitive/computational and evolutionary levels. It describes three proposals to make cognition computationally tractable, namely: Resource Rationality, the Adaptive Toolbox and Massive Modularity. While each of these proposals appeals to evolutionary considerations to dissolve the intractability of cognition, Rich, Blokpoel, de Haan, and van Rooij argue that, in each case, the intractability challenge is not resolved, but just relocated to the level of evolution.
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    Towards ontology-driven situation-aware disaster management.João L. R. Moreira, Luís Ferreira Pires, Marten van Sinderen & Patricia Dockhorn Costa - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):339-353.
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    Nurses’ roles in informed consent in a hierarchical and communal context.Astrid P. Susilo, Jan Van Dalen, Albert Scherpbier, Sugiharto Tanto, Patricia Yuhanti & Nora Ekawati - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):413-425.
    Although the main responsibility for informed consent of medical procedures rests with doctors, nurses’ roles are also important, especially as patient advocates. Nurses’ preparation for this role in settings with a hierarchical and communal culture has received little attention. We explored the views of hospital managers and nurses regarding the roles of nurses in informed consent and factors influencing these roles. We conducted a qualitative study in a private, multispecialty hospital in Indonesia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven managers. Two (...)
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  28.  19
    ACCORD guideline for reporting consensus-based methods in biomedical research and clinical practice: a study protocol.Niall Harrison, Robert Matheis, Patricia Logullo, Keith Goldman, Esther J. van Zuuren, Ellen L. Hughes, David Tovey, Christopher C. Winchester, Amy Price, Amrit Pali Hungin & William T. Gattrell - 2022 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 7 (1).
    BackgroundStructured, systematic methods to formulate consensus recommendations, such as the Delphi process or nominal group technique, among others, provide the opportunity to harness the knowledge of experts to support clinical decision making in areas of uncertainty. They are widely used in biomedical research, in particular where disease characteristics or resource limitations mean that high-quality evidence generation is difficult. However, poor reporting of methods used to reach a consensus – for example, not clearly explaining the definition of consensus, or not stating (...)
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  29.  16
    Images that move.Patricia Spyer & Mary Margaret Steedly (eds.) - 2013 - Santa Fe: SAR Press.
    Images That Move is concerned with how images take place in wider worlds: how they move around, via processes of transmission and uptake, but, equally importantly, how they move their audiences affectively. Images play a significant part in projects of "poetic world-making" and political transformation. They participate in the production of commensuration or of incommensurability, enact moments of prophecy or exposure, and attract or repel spectators' attention. Images move, then, but not just as they wish, and any examination of images (...)
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  30.  29
    Schopenhauer en de kunst van het verzaken.Patricia De Martelaere - 1991 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 83 (2):129-141.
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  31. De klacht van de spelbrekers: Studentenverzet en business as usual.Patricia de Vries - 2025 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 65 (1):34-41.
    Sara Ahmed was among the first academics to openly support students’ Palestine solidarity encampments. She asserts that such encampments function similarly to complaints, targeting mechanisms that perpetuate and normalise violence. Ahmed’s work conceptualises complaints as forms of resistance that expose institutional power structures, often maintained through ‘straightening devices’; mechanisms that align behaviors with institutional norms, encouraging certain practices while discouraging others. The solidarity encampments exemplify Ahmed’s phenomenological approach and embodied feminist politics, highlighting how affect shapes social dynamics within institutions and (...)
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  32. De meuwe nnSSle van Veronica.Door Patricia Engels - forthcoming - Idee.
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  33. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, over de natuurlijke theologie Van de chinezen.Patricia de Martelaere - 2009 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 101 (3).
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  34. RECENSIES-PATRICIA DE MARTELAERE, Mencius. Inleiding, vertaling en commentaar.Karel van der Leeuw - 2009 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 101 (2).
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  35. van Zetten, F., Om de liefde van Cleopatra. [REVIEW]Patricia De Martelaere - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47:143.
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  36. Over de natuurlijke theologie van de Chinezen. [REVIEW]Patricia de Martelaere - 2009 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 101 (3):233-234.
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  37. Wat is ons aan de waarheid gelegen?Patricia de Martelaere - 1994 - Nexus 9.
    Ondanks al zijn twijfels staat Nietzsche vrij positief tegenover de waarde van kennis en waarheid. Maar hij is tevens sceptisch over de mogelijkheid om de waarheid te kennen. Daarom ruimte hij een grote plaats voor de kunst in, die zijn creativiteit put uit het ongeloof in de waarheid.
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    Simone Weil: waiting on truth.Janet Patricia Little - 1988 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the U.S. and Canada by St. Martin's Press.
    Studie over leven en werk van de Franse schrijfster en filosofe (1909-1943) van joodse afkomst.
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  39. Arte – Espacio – Lenguaje. Heidegger, Chillida y nosotros.Fernando Gilabert, Teresa Oñate, Patricia Fernández & E. Olga Gómez - 2024 - Madrid: Dykinson.
    El descubrimiento estético del ser vivo del Espacio, el Lugar y el Cuerpo, que se tensionan por contraste con el Vacío, el Abismo y el Caos, según las flexibles y múltiples declinaciones del Devenir, el Tiempo y el Límite, figura entre los más recientes y creativos hallazgos del Pensamiento de la Diferencia actual, pues se conecta esencialmente con el ser del Lenguaje tanto plástico como teórico y práctico, atravesando los universos del Arte y las Tecnologías más inteligentes. Ello afecta, además, (...)
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    Boardwalk Empire and Philosophy: Bootleg This Book.Greg Littman, Richard Greene, Ron Hirschbein, Patricia Brace, Maria Kingsbury & Rod Carveth - 2013 - Open Court.
    From Machiavellian city officials to big-time mobsters, corrupt beat cops, and overzealous G-men, Boardwalk Empire is replete with philosophically compelling characters who find themselves in philosophically interesting situations. This book is directed at thoughtful fans of the show. Here, readers discover parallels between the events in Boardwalk Empire and contemporary political events. Twenty philosophers address issues in political philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, feminism, and metaphysics. Is Nucky Thomson a Machiavellian prince or a Nietzschean superman? Is Jimmy's resentment towards Nucky justified, given (...)
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  41. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” (...)
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  42. Le Père Henri Bosmans sj (1852-1928), historien des mathématiques : actes des Journées d’études organisées les 12 et 13 mai 2006 au Centre interuniversitaire d’études des religions et de la laïcité de l’Université libre de Bruxelles et le 15 mai 2008 aux Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix à Namur.Michel Hermans & Jean-François Stoffel - 2010 - Académie royale de Belgique.
    VAN PRAAG (Paul), Introduction : le Père Henri Bosmans, histo­rien des mathématiques (pp. 7-16). SAUVAGE (Pierre), Notice biographique du Père Henri Bosmans (pp. 17-25). HERMANS (Michel), Henri Bosmans : sa formation et ses réseaux de rela­tions (pp. 27-72). DELANGHE (Richard), Quelques aspects de la vie et de l’œuvre de Paul Mansion (1844-1919) (pp. 73-82). BRIGAGLIA (Aldo), Saccheri vu par Corrado Segre en Italie et par Mansion et Bosmans en Belgique / traduit de l’italien par Bruna GAINO et Patricia RADELET-DE (...)
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    The Language of Thought.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1975 - Noûs 14 (1):120-124.
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  44. A critique of pure vision.Patricia S. Churchland, V. S. Ramachandran & Terrence J. Sejnowski - 1994 - In Christof Koch & Joel L. Davis, Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain. MIT Press. pp. 23.
    Anydomainofscientificresearchhasitssustainingorthodoxy. Thatis, research on a problem, whether in astronomy, physics, or biology, is con- ducted against a backdrop of broadly shared assumptions. It is these as- sumptionsthatguideinquiryandprovidethecanonofwhatisreasonable-- of what "makes sense." And it is these shared assumptions that constitute a framework for the interpretation of research results. Research on the problem of how we see is likewise sustained by broadly shared assump- tions, where the current orthodoxy embraces the very general idea that the business of the visual system is to (...)
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  45. Getting smart: feminist research and pedagogy with/in the postmodern.Patricia Lather - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    The ways in which knowledge relates to power have been much discussed in radical education theory. New emphasis on the role of gender and the growing debate about subjectivity have deepened the discussion, while making it more complex. In Getting Smart , Patti Lather makes use of her unique integration of feminism and postmodernism into critical education theory to address some of the most vital questions facing education researchers and teachers.
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  46. Reduction and the neurobiological basis of consciousness.Patricia S. Churchland - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach, Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Alchemy of Race and Rights: Diary of a Law Professor.Patricia J. Williams - 1991 - Harvard University Press.
  48. The effect of organizational culture and ethical orientation on accountants' ethical judgments.Patricia Casey Douglas, Ronald A. Davidson & Bill N. Schwartz - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (2):101 - 121.
    This paper examines the relationship between organizational ethical culture in two large international CPA firms, auditors'' personal values and the ethical orientation that those values dictate, and judgments in ethical dilemmas typical of those that accountants face. Using an experimental task consisting of multiple judgments designed to vary in "moral intensity" (Jones, 1991), and unique as well as tried-and-true approaches to variable measurements, this study examined the judgments of more than three hundred participants in our study. ANCOVA and path analysis (...)
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  49. On the alleged backward referral of experience and its relevance to the mind-body problem.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (June):165-81.
    A remarkable hypothesis has recently been advanced by Libet and promoted by Eccles which claims that there is standardly a backwards referral of conscious experiences in time, and that this constitutes empirical evidence for the failure of identity of brain states and mental states. Libet's neurophysiological data are critically examined and are found insufficient to support the hypothesis. Additionally, it is argued that even if there is a temporal displacement phenomenon to be explained, a neurophysiological explanation is most likely.
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  50. The timing of sensations: Reply to Libet.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (3):492-7.
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